Tuesday, September 10, 2013

intention and arrangement

I think and write about the same, although when I think about things it's usually in lofty language and normally doesn't flow exactly like I want it to on paper. Therefore I think the required drafts and revisions where very helpful. The group workshop also helped in more ways than one as well. It allowed me to see how my paper looks and sounds from many different sources and angles besides my own. Furthermore it allowed me to change things in a constructive way that didn't compromise my tone or type of my paper. All in all I think because of these tools my papers clarity and flow have improved.


In the crossfire debate Jon Stewart challenges his political opponent by first making fun of his bias opinions on policy and social and financial reform. Stewart does time and time again and after a while it becomes evident that stewart is purposely making fun of his opponent in order to discredit him and validate himself and his ideas. Also Stewart dresses in a way that shows the general public that he is an open and honest guy that doesn't have anything to hide. Furthermore Stewarts body language implies that he is confident in what he is saying and is relaxed during the duration of the debate. While on the other his opponent is not, his body language implies that he is insecure and uncertain in the things he is saying and the facts which he is referring to. All in all the winner of this argument is Jon Stewart.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


My process to writing in high school was much different than most. I usually wrote about ideas and stances on arguments with I didn't fully understand. Through writing that once small, misunderstood idea or stance became clearer to me. After letting myself wonder on in my writing some how a paper came to be. I was always surprised myself, it just seemed to work out that in not having a plan in the beginning helped me led the reader in to my idea or stance in the end. Then after the main text was written I went back and inserted quotes to further support my idea or stance. Then after a little editing ,most of the time not more than 2 or 3 revisions, I was done. In other papers such as research or philosophy paper I would take a different approach, like thinking on the topic for hours even days then after a while an idea would come to mind. It would typically be a deep idea or thought. In that case I would start most of the time with a statement and start going into more and more depth with each progressing paragraph until a truth presented itself. At that point I knew it was time wrap up the paper. So that is sort of how writing for me was in high school.